The images seen in the posts appear in a Medium article (here). And the 2010s version gave the apes the advanced civilisations characters. I want to show people whats possible, and what to watch out for.. Famous as he was, he had little trouble finding financial backers for an expedition to Antarctica. A Naval Officer Tells Us Exactly What He Saw Hidden In Antarctica. The Secret At The South Pole & Adm. Byrd KNEW it! The Planet of the Apes (60s & 70s) was a true story kinda , only that the civilisation underground was a good one and we surface dwellers were the apes. Yes, the Master replies with a smile, you are in the domain of the Arianni, the Inner World of the Earth. During the winter of 1934 (from March to August) Byrd spent five months alone in a hut at a weather station named Bolling Advance Base, buried beneath the ice shelf face 123 miles (196 km) south of Little America, enduring temperatures between 58 and 76 F (50 and 60 C) and sometimes much lower. According to Hollow Earth theorists, Byrd met ancient race underground in the This classicbook, written by Jules Verne in 1864, highlights the exciting idea of a civilization hidden inside Earth. But the part of the story that is seldom told, at least in official circles, is that Byrd and his forces encountered flying saucers.. Byrds first Antarctic expedition (192830), the largest and best-equipped that had ever set out for that continent, sailed south in October 1928. This way, Admiral, motioned one. Work towards becoming one with the light. Over forty ships, including the Navys crown jewel, William Cooper goes into greater detail in the, In 1964, Dr. Raymond W. Bernard, was a leader of the Rosicrucians, who are members of a worldwide cabal, especially the Ancient Mystic Order, Rosae Crucis and the Rosicrucian Order, focused his research on old magical, philosophical, and religious teachings, concerned with the application of these doctrines to modern life. If the ariannes were truly concerned why havent they intervened ? The Elder Race was described as very friendly to the people of earth. Enamored with the experience of flying over glaciers and sea ice, he decided to attempt the first flight over the North Pole. Sign up now to learn about This Day in History straight from your inbox. Watch Now: Shocking Video! Richard received an invitation to travel to the Pacific island nation of the Philippines when he was 14 years old. Richard E. Byrd passed away in 1957, and even though he was once extremely renowned, he wasnt well recognized throughout his later years due to the quick changes taking place in his country and the rest of the world. I would post the pictures if there was a way to post pictures. Directed to land by messages coming into his aircraft, Admiral Byrd explains that he and his pilot wereapproached by beings of inner Earth who referred themas "surface world men.". What are we not being told? Richard Evelyn Byrd learned how to fly in the U.S. Navy and served as a pilot in World War I. Ya think? According to this account, Operation HighJump, the biggest exploration ever to target the Antarctic, was organized to erase the Nazi presence at the south pole. On May 9, 1926, Admiral Richard Byrd became the first to fly over the North Pole. Did American Admiral Richard E. Byrd really fly under the South Pole in 1947 and discover an extra-terrestrial civilization? Byrd then decided to make an attempt to fly the Atlantic from west to east; and in June 1927, with three companions, he made the flight in 42 hours, crash-landing in bad weather at Ver-sur-Mer on the coast of Brittany, France. Make happy!Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Telegram for interesting and mysterious bonus content! No one had ever flown around or above this location before. 614-292-OHIO, Contact: American scientist explained why death does not exist, Secret corridor discovered inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Explanation for mysterious dust that fell from the sky in the US appeared, Hey explorer! Welcome to the Hollow Earth Research Society, Admiral Richard Byrd andthe Hollow Earth. The ceremony honored his father, Adm. Richard E. Byrd, the pioneer aviator and polar explorer, who achieved fame with his long-distance flights over the Arctic and expeditions in Antarctica from 1924 to 1956. Surface World, I half-gasp under my breath! "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. The ancient Greeksbelieved in the Underworld ruled by the god Hades. What did Admiral Byrd discover in Antarctica? At 8:15 p.m., they dropped supplies for a geological party near the Queen Maud Mountains and then continued on. I want people to question their beliefs, examine their assumptions, and take stock of the changing media landscape and how these new technologies can be used for harm as well as good, Boucher said. Some doubt always lingered over whether their plane had actually reached the North Pole, and one of Byrds early associates, Bernt Balchen, even claimed after Byrds death that the flight to the North Pole had been a hoax. They never landed at the South Pole, however, and instead, they flew all over what they thought was the South Pole. In his journal, Byrd apparently informs readers of having entered into the hollow interior of the earth, along with others and having traveled 1700 miles over mountains, lakes, waterways, green vegetation, and animal life. What was precisely discovered has always been shrouded in mystery, but it may have been astonishing. These Ariannes dont mind watching us murder each other. A range of high mountains, named the Rockefeller Mountains, was discovered, and a large tract of hitherto unknown territory beyond them was named Marie Byrd Land, after Byrds wife. Did Admiral Byrd Fly Over the North Pole or Not? | Live Science Hollow Earth: Do We Share Our Planet With The Inner Inhabitants? Byrd recorded observations in oceanography, astronomy, biology, and physics. This was perhaps his most controversial exploit. Concepts in the above article were (obviously) taken from both: Edgar Allen Poes The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838) And James Hiltons Lost Horizon (1933). The contention continues thatAdmiral Byrddid make a trip inside the North Pole entrance to the Hollow Earth in 1926. It isn't like the Earth's (outer) sun, though. Richard E. Byrd in front of a Vought VE-7 Bluebird seaplane photo by George Grantham Bain Wikimedia commons. Byrd next aided the American aviator Charles A. Lindbergh with navigational training and the use of the specially extended runway for Lindberghs transatlantic solo flight in May 1927. If the story with admiral Byrd is true we need to acknowledge the firmament exist and GOD exist ! We cant escape ! There is no evidence that Byrd discovered a secret civilization in his expeditions as claimed in the posts. Admiral Byrd served as a navigator on several polar exploration flights, including the first flights over the Arctic and North Pole, as well as Antarctica and the South Pole. The expedition would be led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Admiral Byrd explained that the North and South Poles are just two of several openings into the center of the Earth. The controversy has been going for nearly 90 years, and a new study sheds light on if he made it or not. So the books were available then and passages were quoted. Upon Byrds return to Washington, on March 11, 1947 he was interviewed intently by top security forces and a medical team. A gentle smile was etched on his delicate ancient face. Admiral, I shall tell you why you have been summoned here. Your email address will not be published. His polar career began in 1924 when he had command of a small naval aviation detachment with Commander D.B. Inner Light Publications, Box 753, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. This means that ships and planes would be able to fly or float right in. Top 10 Things to do Around the Eiffel Tower, 10 Things to Do in Paris on Christmas Day (2022), 10 Things to Do in Luxembourg Gardens in Paris. Reuters contacted Lost Book (, receiving a response from Tim Boucher who said he created the images and that they were generated by the Dall-E 2 from OpenAI ( ), as can be seen by the watermark (five colored squares) on the bottom right corner of the images. Shortly after Byrd Center archivist Goerler discovered the diary, he contacted Dennis Rawlins, an independent researcher who who has written extensively on Admiral Byrd, inviting him to Ohio State to inspect the notebook and analyze the evidence it contained. The father of Richard E. Byrd was a politician and a country lawyer named Richard Byrd Sr. His mother, Eleanor Bolling Flood, also hailed from a well-known and affluent political family. Secret Diary of Admiral Byrd: Fact Or Fiction? - Media Monarchy Modern science might laugh at Admiral Byrd and his Hollow Earth theory, but no one could say it wasn't intricate. Rear AdmiralRichard Evelyn Byrd Jr.,USN(October 25, 1888 March 11, 1957) was an American naval officer who specialized in feats of exploration. In his first flight over the North Pole, Byrd claims to have discovered an entrance to Aghartha, a legendary city at the center of the Earth. A legend among those in the know was that Adolph Hitler did not die due to a suicide in 1945, but fled to Argentina, to an SS base carved under the ice in New Swabia during the very early 1950s, where he resumed his passion as a painter. HighJump has become a contentious subject among UFO conspiracy theorists, who claim it was a covert US army project to control supposed secret underground Nazi establishments in Antarctica and catch the German Vril flying discs, or Thule mercury-powered spaceship prototypes. For this feat they were both awarded the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor and were acclaimed as national heroes. He hurt his right ankle twice while he was a student at the Naval Academy (one was by playing football and the other was while dismounting gymnastic rings during a competition). That the observations and discoveries of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy, who was the first to enter into the polar openings, which he did for a total distance of 4,000 miles in the Arctic and Antarctic, confirm the correctness of our revolutionary theory of the Earth's structure, as do the observations of other Arctic When that time arrives, we shall come forward again to help revive your culture and your race. He died a very mysterious death. He did not discover land "beyond the pole (what does that even mean?) ''His whole life was pretty difficult,'' he said. Originally, theorists believed the Northern Lights (or Aurora Borealis) were aneffect of the inner sun, but as more and more attention was paid to the hollow earth, this theory was disproved. What You Are Not Being Told About The Biggest Cover-up in Antarctica Admiral Byrd and the Hollow Earth | hollowearth During World War II Byrd served on the staff of the chief of naval operations and, among other duties, evaluated Pacific islands as operational sites. territory, with land and lakes, that Admiral Byrd discovered beyond the North Pole, which was probably within the north polar opening. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dominion of others through the darkness of fear and exploitation is the antagonist of the light that shines from deep within our soul. ''He was just wearing a shirt and pants and one shoe, and they all looked dirty,'' Detective Gilbert said, adding that the custodian who had chased Mr. Byrd and the other man recalled that ''they had booze with them in a paper bag at the time.'' He was finally rescued in a desperately sick condition, suffering from frostbite and carbon monoxide poisoning. Familiar Leitmotif, The face and name of Richard E. Byrd Jr. were a familiar leitmotif in the dashing career of his father. He also assisted with dirigibles built for transatlantic crossings. Agartha Civilization: Is There an Subterranean World Inside Our Planet? On February 19, 1947, Admiral Richard E. Byrd left Base Camp Arctic and flew northward. Yet one of the diaries remains "secret." I nodded, and the Master continued. However, the expeditions have fueled conspiracy theories. '', See the article in its original context from. Olaf Jensen was even offered to come have dinner with a Giant during his first trip to Aghartha. Byrd was born into a very prominent family. After the release it was immediately suppressed by the government and Byrd was made out to be a man known to make false claims. He was a recipient of the Medal of Honor, 10. We must stop the enemy in their tracks. So said the great explorer, Admiral Richard Byrd. Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strifeand after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. However, since we've never been able to probe the inner earth, there is no direct evidence to prove or disprove the idea that the center of the earth contains a second sun. In Winchester, a little community close to the Appalachian Mountains, they made their home. Resident of Beacon Hill. Think about that. Mysteries of Antarctica: Part Two - Jason Roberts The discovery in 1996 of the diary that Byrd had kept on his famous flight shed new light on this question. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Its worthy to note that he was 6 years old when he accompanied his father on his expeditions. The Best Original Streaming Shows Of The Last Few Years, The Best Newer TV Shows With Gay Characters. Richard E. Byrd, in full Richard Evelyn Byrd, (born October 25, 1888, Winchester, Virginia, U.S.died March 11, 1957, Boston, Massachusetts), U.S. naval officer, pioneer aviator, and polar explorer best known for his explorations of Antarctica using airplanes and other modern technical resources. Admiral Richard E. Byrd and his achievements are essential to understanding the history of the polar regions and conducting scientific research there. The explorers set out in the fall of 1928, building a large base camp called Little America on the Ross Ice Shelf near the Bay of Whales. The inquiry that still stays is that Admiral Byrd did make a trip past the post but this flight wasnt in February of 1947. He motions me to sit down in one of the chairs. He speaks softly again, and conveys the following. Antarctica: Parts of Antarctica have been claimed by France, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Norway, Chile, and Argentina.