Two of these locations are in areas slated for future growth beyond the planning horizon of this plan. endobj Mooresville has seen extensive growth over the last decade and will likely continue to be one of the fastest-growing parts of the region. Approximately 39 percent of the Mooresville Planning Area is undeveloped. /TT0 17 0 R Deem, John, Downtown Development Aims for Wow Factor | Mooresville Citizen., 5 Feb. 2021. 260 Town Hall Drive Suite B Morrisville, NC 27560. The proposed community on Transco Road in southern Iredell County would include 353 multifamily units, 136 town homes, 90 duplexes, a waterfront restaurant and a public multi-use shoreline. Knowing where there is potential for long-term capital projects is critical in planning for a future growth framework. News & Media 85,000 SF Gateway Development Project Planned for Downtown Mooresville. /Contents 98 0 R /Contents 76 0 R /TT0 17 0 R Mooresville Library. xZn8}7S! Reference to Town of Mooresville Land Development Design Manual. /TT3 54 0 R >> For development to take place, each developer must first comply with all Land Development Standards as set forth in the Town of Mooresville Land Development Process Manual. << /TT0 57 0 R /TT0 57 0 R << endobj endobj endobj <<  ( ( ( ( ( ( ()n/NYh_ < j. 2:N@WE|(pm|Sg(HI@MIie-pA4#K 9'_mWCi|[x Y{by^Q*Ne? K_aU]7's+ hK46I :$`py_T9 KlO\B5? >> It is the responsibility of the user to make sure the most recent standards are being specified. /TT4 68 0 R The plan includes 82 residential units for a density of 38 units per acre; 101 parking spaces are planned for the rear of the property. >> Town of Mooresville map. Mooresville Chamber of Commerce. Reinforces market conditions for reinvestment in older commercial centers and aging neighborhoods. << The Town of Mooresville wants your input on housing funds. Here's how hbbd```b``3@$S,XL6Ely?$^0) V "Ad_ Hl#N? ~/ /TT4 68 0 R /Font >> 1.5.2 Amendments to Chapter and Land Development Plan. %%EOF Approved a request to amend the contract with The John McAdams Company for the design of Liberty Park Phase 2 by $2,300. It will be important for the town to work closely with the school districts as the plans for these schools are put into place. Approved an amendment to transfer funds from the General Fund, Recreation Administration Department, into the Liberty Park Phase II Project Ordinance for the purpose of adding public meeting services to the McAdams contract. /Parent 2 0 R Community | Town of Mooresville Town Board Appointment Information; UDO; CIP2022 Mooresville Town REV 101922; CIP 2022 Mooresville Town 040122; 2020 Annual Report; 2021 Annual Report; Mooresville CCMG 2018 Roads; 2018-ccmg-award-2018-final; Facebook; Twitter; RSS; Designed and Managed by . /ColorSpace 94 0 obj /MediaBox [0.000000 0.000000 612.000000 792.000000] The planning approach considers the amount of available land and future capacity for growth over the coming decades. The ITLDS is intended as a supplement to the Town's Unified Development Ordinance., Our Hometown /TT1 56 0 R The project includes 115 multi-family units, a bank, and a building pad for a future 4,200 square foot commercial building. 2.1 Official Land Development Map. /TT1 56 0 R %PDF-1.6 Potential centers are intended to provide localized opportunities to shop, dine, recreate and work close to neighborhoods. State regulations applied within these areas limit the intensity of development to approximately two units per acre to account for impacts on important watersheds used and reserved for community water supplies in Lake Norman and the Ben T. Howell Reservoir in Kannapolis. Mooresville commissioners considering mixed-use development for South /Contents 82 0 R /ColorSpace /ColorSpace Regional forces and markets trends suggest that Mooresville will continue to grow through 2040. SitemapPrivacy PolicyTerms & ConditionsSite by BURKE, ChiliSleep and Ebb Therapeutics Merge to Revolutionize Sleep, Iredell County Experiencing Strong Project and Real Estate Activity, Downtown Development Aims for Wow Factor. /TT1 16 0 R << Nestled near the beautiful Lake Norman, about 25 miles north of Charlotte, the Town of Mooresville is swimming with opportunities! << fx = flex/industrial hi = hybrid industrial lr = large retail << One of the biggest effects of growth is expansion of existing schools and development of new schools. /TT0 57 0 R By /TT1 56 0 R The firms 72-unit North Main Village complex was completed in fall of 2019, and construction is well underway on the $18 million Mill One project, which will include ground-floor retail space and 90 market-rate apartments along Church Street, just a few blocks from the South Main Street site. Sep 18, 2021 Updated Oct 24, 2022. Locations and links to the virtual meetings will soon be available at /Tabs /S endobj /Type /Page We have a specific look. This suggests that Mooresville should carefully plan for future growth to ensure it is well managed, located and designed to meet community objectives. endobj The broad view of Mooresvilles development and growth is noted and guided by this map, which identifies the existing and future location of neighborhoods, commercial areas, employment sites, activity centers and transportation corridors. /MediaBox [0.000000 0.000000 612.000000 792.000000] << Mooresville is subject to water-supply protection regulations for Lake Norman and Don T. Howell Reservoir. <>/Metadata 424 0 R/ViewerPreferences 425 0 R>> << 919-463-6191. /Type /Page /Font Upcoming meetings will take place Sept. 22, with a virtual meeting at 10 a.m., and an in-person session at 4 p.m. in the board room, located at Town Hall, 413 N. Main St. Additionally, on Sept. 24, a virtual session at will be held at 9 a.m. /TT3 54 0 R /TT4 53 0 R /CS0 [/ICCBased 43 0 R] 3.) You will also need a permit if you are changing the size of a window. 3 0 obj /StructParents 14 j:GO$dTI H$1:cOlEpiKau$9#>R:`Gb7NM= .D/q?f[:n>_wn5.8Y|, uYx,+UU ~C~ctMSj&&b3 -#1?hw&x,z9$!\1yJ QE QE QE QE QE QE QE QE QE QE QE QE QE p94 R-_M;?5n(t]5ANG8?#9? /Resources %PDF-1.6 % /C2_0 73 0 R /Contents 74 0 R << The provision of future infrastructure, locations of future schools, new roads and road improvements, and the suitability of lands for development are all important components that were considered when developing this framework. /Parent 2 0 R /TT1 56 0 R Town of Mooresville Culture, Parks and Recreation Services Master Plan 7.2 C. Town of Mooresville Recreation Options Put More Fun in Life Agency Self Review: Met Not Met Visitor Comments: Visitor Evaluation: Met Not Met 25-8. MOORESVILLE The developers of a planned 85,000 square-foot mixed-use project on South Main Street say their goal is to bring a wow factor to what will become a gateway to downtown and begin to bridge a development gap between the historic mill area and traditional town core. /Parent 2 0 R /PCSp [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] September 11, 2019. >> Approved a resolution establishing the Town of Mooresville Voluntary Annexation and Utility Giglio said his firm has spent two years coming up with the right concept for the property. Development within this large area includes many opportunities for locating services near homes, generating new employment centers and creating quality residential neighborhoods that provide housing choices to future residents. 4 0 obj Mooresville Citizen Feb. 24-March 2, 2023, Lake Norman Citizen Feb. 24-March 2, 2023. PDF TOWN OF MOORESVILLE Historic District & Downtown Design Standards /Type /Page Development standards for high-density projects. >> C " /Type /Page /CropBox [0.000000 0.000000 612.000000 792.000000] %PDF-1.7 Land Development Standards The Town of Mooresville, Land Development Standards Manual is updated annually as necessary. endobj /TT2 55 0 R /GS0 19 0 R We plan to spend more money to make sure this has a wow factor. When you drive into downtown, youre gonna say, wow. When you walk by this property or interact with the commercial space, youre going to really enjoy the experience.. >> << Town of Mooresville Development Services Department Post Office Box 878 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704-662-7040 Page 1 of 1 . Information in this section on Town of Mooresville comes from the U.S. EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online database (ECHO). /Type /Page Step 3: Bring your application number, drivers license and fingerprint receipt to your local law enforcement agency for approval and local fee payment. /CropBox [0.000000 0.000000 612.000000 792.000000] >> This tier should be a priority for future capital investments. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 772/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> /Tabs /S /Font /MediaBox [0.000000 0.000000 612.000000 792.000000] << /Resources . If the specifications or guidelines of the Town of Mooresville Land Development Design Manual are more restrictive or apply a higher standard than other laws or regulations, that fact shall not prevent application of the specifications or guidelines in the Town of Mooresville Land Development Design Manual. >> /ColorSpace You have permission to edit this article. PDF CHAPTER 3: BASE ZONING DISTRICTS 3.2 BASE ZONING DISTRICTS - LoopNet The proposed four-story development will contain 10,000 square feet of commercial space and 75,000 square feet of residential space. Despite Germany's transition to renewable energy to fight climate change, the country still relies heavily on imports of oil, gas and coal. << /Rotate 0 x\YsF~_QDUeNmYM% Miv_"BV_.N^Ao'p.NO7o?,Vn `SSFmPETS%\#|c= 88~ endobj Louisville (/ l u i v l / LOO-ee-vil, US: / l u v l / LOO--vl, locally / l v l / LUUV-l) is the largest city in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the 29th most-populous city in the United States. /Contents 8 0 R << These areas to the north and south are located away from future utility and road investments, and include land where immediate growth is not expected or promoted. Because the current and future impact of development has become one of the most-pressing issues for many Mooresville residents, the Citizen is excerpting much of the growth-management chapter here. 85 open jobs for Water wastewater engineer in Mooresville. )=nTgpu-X35[N, u\? << Your email address will not be published. <> <> | Tier 1 areas are within town limits, within the towns extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), or are encircled by the town and ETJ. AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) A candidate in a runoff for mayor of Georgias third-largest city is announcing a plan to redevelop a site where a long-vacant mall stood until 2020. The proposed four-story development will contain 10,000 square feet of commercial space and 75,000 square feet of residential space . << All areas thrive on transportation access to the broader region. /Parent 2 0 R However, in the case of a discrepancy the Town Standards shall prevail. C% R ;@CB /0vCAA! PA n700s- 4( vd@F 01g0 /ColorSpace <> /Rotate 0 >> >> >> document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 15905 Brookway Drive, Suite 4205 /C2_0 35 0 R Notice of Public Hearing | Town of Mooresville - Indiana Land Development Standards One Mooresville Comprehensive Plan TIA Policy Troutman Annexation Agreement Unified Development Ordinance Voluntary Annexation and Utility Policy Zoning Ordinance (old) /TT2 55 0 R /Annots [5 0 R 6 0 R] Community Foundation of Morgan County. endobj /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] The town is currently rewriting its Zoning Ordinance, a process that is being guided by the OneMooresville Comprehensive Plan and that will be known as the UDO. The scope of this project includes the following: The remainder of the funds will be transferred from within the recreation budget. << From staff reports. /Rotate 0 /TT2 15 0 R Town of Mooresville. Mooresville commissioners considering mixed-use development for South Main Street; public hearing set for January 19. /MediaBox [0.000000 0.000000 612.000000 792.000000] 4 0 obj A 50-yead-old Stanley man died Tuesday afternoon in a three-vehicle crash on Interstate 77 near the 32 mile marker. /Parent 2 0 R The peninsulas on Lake Norman are built out, with few opportunities for potential infill development. The core development area of Mooresville includes existing residential neighborhoods, employment spaces and mixed-use corridors. Mooresville currently has a sufficient amount of land to accommodate population growth into the future. Approved a resolution establishing an Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Policy for the Town ofMooresville. bRHyH&r"\YN%H- E.R~b4n[t==Z~W"+)rzSU}&RR:lDa.xy:8]'(fxxz4 d 61"=45X]4[hT#RF` H@Gd9f7Xd@E`(@&#hz2 #a96:/AWQ),M7 *2dU9!$GAPMD Mooresvilles growth management framework is described in a series of maps, intended outcomes and policies to guide development using sustainable development principles that balance economic and fiscal gains with placemaking, community character, and environmental considerations. Enforcement of Zoning Ordinance. The property is within the corporate limits of the Town of Mooresville and is adjacent to and across the street from parcels that are currently zoned Village Center. >> x3H6h\mM~.$#\H=V>?AhDoDJfr )'Gnzs3);2\ItR/ u",|#ly_7xknCT`Q1x /Resources 97 0 R Mooresville seeks public input on Unified Development Ordinance /TT0 57 0 R /Contents 33 0 R Your email address will not be published. /Font 13 0 obj <> Town of Mooresville, NC, Development. >> 1 0 obj /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /XObject Welcome to Mooresville, NC <> We take that very seriously. /TT1 56 0 R << 8yL57SzFumdM=!DP>/7*-k;U%f8$>"l5&Ey 7X{BK Motion Approved: 7-0 . % Rawls Howard III, AICP, CZO, CFM - LinkedIn /StructParents 12 /Annots [31 0 R] The Town of Mooresville is issuing this RF Q to solicit information from firms with a background in Historic Preservation to provide a comprehensive update in the Town's Historic Preservation Standards. >> 70 0 obj 52 0 obj endobj PDF Agenda Town of Mooresville Planning Board March 10, 2022 6:00 PM /TT4 68 0 R The function of the Building Department is to assist citizens and contractors with the following: Building Permit Process. << /TT2 55 0 R LmBVY8)&zG@:Pc: R;QrlWa|6ZR uid^ ro{o%Qm(.T)||c%hDJ%e "y~1v0FG*?^F8Rz>/qg)r! 5$ZOwKZ#xMN'pfJO% HD~P5!) Mooresville, NC - Municode Library /ColorSpace /TT5 68 0 R /CS1 [/ICCBased 42 0 R] Mooresville currently has a sufficient amount of land to accommodate population growth into the future. /TT3 54 0 R A Mooresville man has been charged with sexually assaulting a child, said Iredell Sheriff Darren Campbell. Staff Directory. /Parent 2 0 R /ColorSpace The Town of Indian Trail's Director of Engineering shall be responsible for incorporating revisions as deemed appropriate based on a continual review of the ITLDS. 7. Iredell County Land Development Code 4-6 B. Sidewalks shall be required for subdivisions and developments that fall within this overlay and may be constructed to the standards required by the municipality in whose USA the development is located. /Rotate 0 (Powell Bill), Mooresville, NC. >> << Contact. DMCA NoticesNewspaper web site content management software and services. /Resources Town of Mooresville Public Utilities Information . The apartments, most of which are expected to be large studio and one-bedroom units, will likely be aimed at tenants 55 and older but not age-restricted, he added. /ColorSpace Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. /Font Overall population growth will be accompanied by growth in school-aged children. Land Development Standards; One Mooresville; Planning Analytics and Data; Planning & Community Development; Planning Documents & Maps; 413 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: 704-663-3800 Department Directory Employee Intranet.