Five vehicles collided under unclear circumstances. Eastbound traffic is being detoured off I-24 east at exit 45. Troopers say the crash happened when 42 year old Coleman Strachman of Sharpsburg, North Carolina ran into slowed traffic with his semi-truck. Multiple patients were found by first-arriving crews and an MCI was declared. One person was killed in the crash while another driver was flown to the University Hospital trauma center in Newark. img#wpstats{display:none} .jeg_container, .jeg_content, .jeg_boxed .jeg_main .jeg_container, .jeg_autoload_separator { background-color : #ffffff; } body { --j-body-color : #666666; --j-accent-color : #000000; --j-heading-color : #000000; } body,.jeg_newsfeed_list .tns-outer .tns-controls button,.jeg_filter_button,.owl-carousel .owl-nav div,.jeg_readmore,.jeg_hero_style_7 .jeg_post_meta a,.widget_calendar thead th,.widget_calendar tfoot a,.jeg_socialcounter a,.entry-header .jeg_meta_like a,.entry-header .jeg_meta_comment a,.entry-header .jeg_meta_donation a,.entry-header .jeg_meta_bookmark a,.entry-content tbody tr:hover,.entry-content th,.jeg_splitpost_nav li:hover a,#breadcrumbs a,.jeg_author_socials a:hover,.jeg_footer_content a,.jeg_footer_bottom a,.jeg_cartcontent,.woocommerce .woocommerce-breadcrumb a { color : #666666; } a, .jeg_menu_style_5>li>a:hover, .jeg_menu_style_5>li.sfHover>a, .jeg_menu_style_5>li.current-menu-item>a, .jeg_menu_style_5>li.current-menu-ancestor>a, .jeg_navbar .jeg_menu:not(.jeg_main_menu)>li>a:hover, .jeg_midbar .jeg_menu:not(.jeg_main_menu)>li>a:hover, .jeg_side_tabs, .jeg_block_heading_5 strong, .jeg_block_heading_6 strong, .jeg_block_heading_7 strong, .jeg_block_heading_8 strong, .jeg_subcat_list li a:hover, .jeg_subcat_list li button:hover, .jeg_pl_lg_7 .jeg_thumb .jeg_post_category a, .jeg_pl_xs_2:before, .jeg_pl_xs_4 .jeg_postblock_content:before, .jeg_postblock .jeg_post_title a:hover, .jeg_hero_style_6 .jeg_post_title a:hover, .jeg_sidefeed .jeg_pl_xs_3 .jeg_post_title a:hover, .widget_jnews_popular .jeg_post_title a:hover, .jeg_meta_author a, .widget_archive li a:hover, .widget_pages li a:hover, .widget_meta li a:hover, .widget_recent_entries li a:hover, .widget_rss li a:hover, .widget_rss cite, .widget_categories li a:hover, .widget_categories li.current-cat>a, #breadcrumbs a:hover, .jeg_share_count .counts, .commentlist .bypostauthor>.comment-body>.comment-author>.fn, span.required, .jeg_review_title, .bestprice .price, .authorlink a:hover, .jeg_vertical_playlist .jeg_video_playlist_play_icon, .jeg_vertical_playlist .jeg_video_playlist_thumbnail:before, .jeg_horizontal_playlist .jeg_video_playlist_play, .woocommerce li.product .pricegroup .button, .widget_display_forums li a:hover, .widget_display_topics li:before, .widget_display_replies li:before, .widget_display_views li:before, .bbp-breadcrumb a:hover, .jeg_mobile_menu li.sfHover>a, .jeg_mobile_menu li a:hover, .split-template-6 .pagenum, .jeg_mobile_menu_style_5>li>a:hover, .jeg_mobile_menu_style_5>li.sfHover>a, .jeg_mobile_menu_style_5>li.current-menu-item>a, .jeg_mobile_menu_style_5>li.current-menu-ancestor>a { color : #000000; 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Tom Sizemore dead at 61 after suffering brain aneurysm, ABC7 New York 24/7 Eyewitness News Stream, Download the abc7NY app for breaking news alerts. Brockton Fire Department captain Dan Foye said it was not raining during the time of the accident. Find alternate routes. Other injured victims were taken to nearby hospitals. The District Attorneys Office will be consulted on charges at the conclusion of the investigation. East Los Angeles. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) A deadly crash involving six vehicles closed a portion of Interstate 24 eastbound near I-65 in Nashville Tuesday. Posted by The Times Leader on Friday, June 28, 2019. Read more at our news partner's website, Tomlinson said at the time, there were whiteout conditions. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. One person was killed and several others were hurt Thursday in a multi-vehicle crash on Route 24 eastbound in Summit, officials said. As of 2:15 p.m., all lanes of the interstate have reopened. This document may not be reprinted without the express written permission of Chattanooga Times Free Press, Inc. Material from the Associated Press is Copyright 2023, Associated Press and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. START ALL CAR W EXTENDED ETA. The investigation continues and additional charges are possible. According to a news release from the Bonneville County Sheriffs Office, multiple law enforcement agencies and fire departments responded to several slide-offs and crashes Tuesday morning along U.S. Highway 26 from Ririe to the Wyoming State Line. Read More March 2, 2023 Arizona Accident News. Surveillance video shows violent Seal Beach hit-and-run that injured 5. East bound 24 just East of PLHL - Contra Costa in District 4. 75-year-old fighting for her life after deadly wrong-way crash in OC. Lt. Charlie Caplinger with the . Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way, Donate to the Salvation Army Red Kettle Challenge. 3 killed, 1 hospitalized in Lynwood crash after police chase. There is no ETA on when the interstate will reopen, and the Montgomery County Sheriffs Office has asked that drivers find an alternate route. (Crashes investigated by agencies outside the Missouri State Highway Patrol are not included.) The crash happened just after 7:30 p.m.. They said three people had to be pulled from vehicles by fire department crews. @IdahoITD is busy this morning to open roads. Fifty-six recruits were sworn in as L.A. County sheriff's deputies, including some who were struck by a wrong-way driver during a training run in Whittier last year. The collision was reported around 10 a.m. at mile. Thank you to the LDS church and the general store for their generosity. KSP says 15 others were injured, and five were airlifted to hospitals in Nashville and Evansville, Indiana. Todd says up to a dozen people were injured, and multiple vehicles were involved. News / Feb 27, 2023 / 06:12 PM CST. CHP Traffic Incidents & Accidents on SR-60 today All Accidents SR-60 Today All Yesterday Active CHP Incidents. I-95SB [MM176] x [MM176] [PALM BAY] ROADWAY CLEAR. Ontario, California (March 4, 2023) - The California Highway Patrol is investigating a multi-vehicle collision that happened Friday morning in Ontario, resulting in minor injuries. The crash happened just after 7:30 p.m. near the Broadway overpass. Update, 2:20 p.m.: The Interstate has been reopened, however traffic still appeared backed up in the Eastbound lanes to Exit 8. Multi car accident on 24 east today - Between the early hours of Tuesday and late hours of Monday, 18th of July 2022, there was an accident that occurred on Meadowbrook State Parkway southbound between Exit M5 - NY 24 East. There were two troopers in the vehicle at the time., LLC. Neither these AP materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and noncommercial use. The parkway heads north, crossing South Oyster Bay and intersecting Loop Parkway before crossing onto the mainland and connecting to the Southern State Parkway in North Merrick. Multi car accident on 24 east today - Between the early hours of Tuesday and late hours of Monday, 18th of July 2022, there was an accident that occurred on Meadowbrook State Parkway southbound between Emergency personnel are working with Ririe School District 252 on arrangements for students who live beyond closed areas and parents should communicate with the school for directions. Copyright 2020 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Mary Anderson Harvard Ma, Help find missing 23-year-old Harvard woman. Letter, Advisory Public Notice - Non-Discriminatory Ad Contracts. There is no estimated time yet as to when it will be reopened. Updated: Apr 7, 2022 / 04:19 PM CDT. The accident happened east of Sunnyside. The ISP patrol vehicle was there at the time. The pileup took place just after 9 a.m. on Interstate 15, north of Jurupa Street. Three others, who suffered non-life-threatening injuries, were transported to the hospital.. CORONA, Calif. -- An armed carjacking suspect is leading police on a chase that took a twisted turn when he attempted to shoot at officers. View on Google Maps. No other life-threatening injuries were reported. Currently, the LDS church in Swan Valley has been set up as a shelter for stranded motorists in the area until roads can safely be reopened. All Rights Reserved. 3 others went to @TriStarHealth Skyline. California - Home of Hollywood, the hills of San Francisco, and the famous Golden Gate Bridge. According to Metro Police, an unlicensed 17-year-old driving a Mazda Miata was trying to re-enter traffic from the right shoulder of the interstate. The pursuit began Friday at around 2:23 p.m. in Chino . LYON COUNTY, KY Keith Todd with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet says multiple people were injured in a crash that is blocking eastbound Interstate 24 at the 52 mile marker in Lyon County. Listen to NewZee WNZE 105.5 FM and 1400 AM, UPDATE: Interstate 24 East reopened after wreck at mile marker 16, UPDATE: Power outages in Montgomery County may continue for days, CEMC says, Shooting reported on Oakmont Drive in Clarksville, Hazing, underage drinking investigated in APSU cheerleading team, spirit coordinator terminated, Northeast High head football coach dismissed following CMCSS investigation, Northwest guard named Player of the Week after postseason run, Non-Discriminatory Advertising Javascript required for this site to function. Eight people were taken to area hospitals by ambulance. MINUTES TO. The crash caused Metro Police officers to divert traffic onto Old Hickory Boulevard. Copyright 2022 WSMV. Four people refused medical treatment at the scene. I-24 East in La Vergne reopens after multiple vehicle wreck near Waldron Road, Morgan Wallen livestreams free concert, heres how to watch, Weather prompts several school systems to close Friday, First Alert Forecast: High Wind Warning through tonight, Cyntoia Brown-Long making most of second chances, Public File: - 615-353-2260. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) A mother and daughter were killed in a fiery crash involving multiple vehicles on I-24 East in Nashville last Friday night, according to the Nashville Fire Department. Around 9 a.m., there was a multi-car crash near Antelope Creek Road on US-26. Fortunately, no injuries. One person was killed and several others were injured in a horrific multi-vehicle crash involving a tractor trailer in New Jersey on Thursday. Todd says I-24 east is expected to be blocked for six to eight hours, and drivers should detour using Interstate 69 north to the Pennyrile Parkway south. Man charged after doctor struck by car, stabbed while on bike . Drivers were advised to avoid the area, and the alternate route will be U.S. Highway 41/70 (New Nashville Highway). LA County sheriff's recruits graduate months after Whittier crash. The chain reaction continued with the hitting a pickup truck and the truck then hitting a second semi. SHARES. ID: 230302GG01470 GGHB Bay Area. For more traffic detours, click here. Share Tweet. Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way, Donate to the Salvation Army Red Kettle Challenge. The troopers had minor injuries and others involved were treated at the scene. You have permission to edit this collection. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) A deadly crash involving six vehicles closed a portion of Interstate 24 eastbound near I-65 in Nashville Tuesday. Right now we know two of them are in critical condition. It may be awhile folks. Caption: NBC 10's Cal Dymowksi reports that a wrong-way driver caused a . "On Thursday night at approx 2306hrs, Brimfield Fire and Action EMS was called to the Mass Pike East Bound near the Sturbridge line for a multi-vehicle accident including multiple TT units with entrapment and injuries. There was blowing, drifting snow on the road and so the snowplow driver was doing their routine, trying to clear the road and snow, and came upon the patrol car and it was too late, he said. Lyon County authorities have issued a mutual aid request asking other agencies for assistance at the scene. 1 went to @VUMCTrauma in critical condition. The cause of the crash is under investigation. May 24, 2020 12:00 am East Lyme A five-vehicle car accident on Interstate 95 north here caused traffic delays and minor injuries early Sunday afternoon. To report accidents to the Clarksville Now traffic tips line, call 931-648-7720. 24-Year-Old Marissa Cedillos Died In A Motor Vehicle Crash In Phoenix (Phoenix, AZ) . LA VERGNE, Tenn. (WSMV) - Several people were injured after a multi-vehicle wreck on Interstate 24 in La Vergne on Thursday afternoon. The driver of the Mazda was taken to juvenile detention and charged with driving without a license and not having insurance. (Photo via the Lyon County Herald Ledger). The 8-vehicle crash shut down all lanes on I-24 eastbound at Waldron Road. The crash happened in the eastbound lanes between West Alameda . According to the Swan Valley Fire District Facebook page, there are cots and hygiene kits. In a phone call with Local 6, Kentucky Transportation Cabinet spokesman Keith Todd said as of about 10 p.m., investigators have begun crash scene reconstruction work. At that time, Todd said traffic was backed up about 2.5 miles to detour at exit 45. Metro Police officials said 59-year-old Lois Mader, of Ten Mile, Tennessee was killed when her vehicle was rear-ended in slow-moving traffic on I-24 East at the I-65 North split is identified as Lois Mader, 59, of Ten Mile, Tennessee. EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WLNE) A multiple-car crash has shut down Interstate 195 eastbound Tuesday night in East Providence. BREVARD. Trooper Brian Luckett with KSP says 19-year old Jace Smothers of Norton, Kansas was killed in the crash. Multiple injuries have been reported. Two multi-vehicle accident occurred on I-24 around 1:45 Friday morning. Previously: CLARKSVILLE, TN (CLARKSVILLE NOW) - A multi-car wreck has closed Interstate 24 East at mile marker 16.As of 1:45 p.m., the eastbound lanes of the interstate were backed up to Exit 8. Emergency responders were called to the wreck around 2 p.m . The Tennessee Highway Patrol will conduct an inspection of Kouls semi for mechanical issues. Our personnel continue to work at the scene of this fatal wreck on I24 near Exit 44A. Copyright 2021 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright 2023, Chattanooga Times Free Press, Inc. LEE. 3 injured in crash while fleeing suspected catalytic converter theft, Body camera video shows police pursuit after crash that left 2 dead, Man survives 4 accidents in less than an hour on Hwy 18 in Big Bear, Icy road conditions cause 20-car pile-up in Yucaipa, Innocent woman in coma after crash at end of South LA police chase, Driver killed after entering 60 Freeway in wrong direction, CHP says, 2 dead, several injured after train strikes vehicle in South LA, Suspect in violent Seal Beach hit-and-run surrenders to police, Fatal crash prompts hourslong closure of SB 5 Freeway in Sun Valley, CSUN student ID'd as innocent victim killed in Northridge crash, 3 injured when South LA police chase ends in violent crash, Driver crashes into home garage in Porter Ranch, Surveillance video shows violent Seal Beach hit-and-run that injured 5, 5 girls seriously injured in Seal Beach crash; suspect on the run, Woman who smashed cars in OC parking lot was on drugs, deputies say, Armed robbery suspect dead after police chase ends in La Habra, Video captures woman smashing into cars in OC parking lot, Pasadena man who drove family off cliff pleads not guilty. Luckett said five people have been flown to hospitals in Nashville, Tennessee, and Evansville, Indiana. TELEPHONE TWIN VIEW TOW / MEDIUM DUTY OUT OF AREA. Around 9 a.m., there was a multi-car crash near Antelope Creek Road on US-26. Awaiting The Monday Night - Tuesday Storm Live Weather Cams - Providence, Rhode Island. Apology on misinformation on Boston University Suicide. Woman who smashed cars in OC parking lot was on drugs . Corlew swerved to avoid hitting the Mazda, hitting another vehicle. INDIANA ST Los Angeles, Los Angeles D:7 . Javascript not detected. One reason why US26 is closed. UPDATE: Traffic is back to normal on I-24 after a crash involving 12 cars happened Friday afternoon. One tractor-trailer and five other vehicles were involved in the wreck. multi car accident on 24 east today 3- Classes pack for $45 multi car accident on 24 east today for new clients only. Multi-vehicle crash closes I-24 East 1,521 views May 8, 2021 8 Dislike Share Save WKRN News 2 32.1K subscribers Multi-vehicle crash closes I-24 East Show more State releases. A multi-vehicle crash during the evening commute on C-470 near Morrison injured two people and traffic is backed up in the area. 13h ago. He says alternate detour routes for this part of I-24 are limited. This story will be updated as more information becomes available. Drivers can then take KY 93 south to return to I-24 at the KY 139 interchange. Incident Type: County: Location: Cross Street: Status: Troop: 03/03/2023 09:40:27: OBJECT IN ROADWAY: GREENVILLE: I385: 28SB: LEFT LANE BLKD: 3: 03/03/2023 09:39:37 . Multi-Vehicle Accident News; Pedestrian Accident News; Reporting on 450+ Cities in CA. This is a developing story and updates will be made as they are available. | Updated June 22, 2022 at 6:49 p.m. UPDATE: Traffic is slowly beginning to move on I-24 eastbound near MM 175.2 as crews work to clear a multi-vehicle crash that closed all eastbound lanes Wednesday afternoon. The crash happened just before 8 p.m. between mile marker 54 and 55 in South Nashville. Its southern terminus is at a full cloverleaf interchange with the Bay and Ocean parkways in Jones Beach State Park. All rights reserved, If you choose local pickup, please get your gift certificate at our office at 400 W. Sunnyside in Idaho Falls Dismiss, Man charged with murder in Dylan Rounds case, Caught on camera: Moose charges snowmobilers by Palisades, Man allegedly kidnapped woman, held air freshener to her nose and mouth, Giant flying insect found on Walmart building turns out to be Jurassic-era find, Video shows suspect with blood stains as he cleaned gun following Dylan Rounds disappearance, charges say. 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