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Recycling Revenues Have Roared Back for New Jersey Towns

After a few dismal years, recycling revenues are streaming back and many towns across the Garden State are recouping more from their recycling — some dramatically. Clifton, for instance, had budgeted to collect $40,000 in recycling revenues for all of 2021. By July, the city was collecting more than $40,000 a month for its recyclables, City Manager Nick Villano said. “We had anticipated (recouping) 10%,” Villano said. “But now there’s a lot more coming in.”

Clifton’s revenue may be up so much in part because, unlike many communities, the city never stopped requiring residents to sort its recycling, by type, glass, paper, metal, etc. “I am told we do well because our product is clean,” Villano said.  It was only in the last few weeks that the city stopped its requirement that residents separate glass by color.

The city also plans to pick up recycling every other week rather than once every three weeks after the first of the year. The biggest money maker, Villano said, is cardboard, in part because more people have been ordering products online and having them delivered during the COVID pandemic. Plastic and aluminum have also fared well.

Source By – ScrapMonster

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