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Nucor to Build New Melt Shop at Bar Mill

Nucor has declared ambitions to expand its business in the United States. It should be mentioned that the business recently declared its intention to construct a new state-of-the-art sheet mill, for which it has already begun examining sites in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

In its latest announcement, the Charlotte, N.C.-based steelmaker declared that its Board of Directors has given final nod to construct a new melt shop, which will be located at any one of the company’s existing bar mills in the Western U.S. region. The company has a total of 15 bar mills with estimated combined capacity of approximately 9.5 million tons per year, which are strategically located across the country. These mills manufacture a wide range of steel products that serves various end markets.

The melt shop, which will cost $100 million, will have a manufacturing capability of 600,000 tonnes per year. According to the business news release, the project is projected to produce approximately 140 full-time employment, with operations set to commence in 2024.

The new melt facility will help Nucor retain its market leading position in steel bar production and satisfy growing demand for bar products from its Western U.S. clients, according to Dan Needham, Executive Vice President of Bar and Rebar Fabrication Products for Nucor Corporation.

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