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The NWRA wants to communicate with the CPSC and Big Tech about the dangers of cell phones.

NWRA requested all correspondence between the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Apple, Samsung, Google, Microsoft, and any other mobile phone manufacturers or operating system providers regarding their products, as well as any ancillary documents and records pertaining to the dangers that mobile phones pose to waste and re-use.

In addition, the NWRA is looking for all correspondence between the CPSC and other federal agencies regarding the dangers that cell phones pose on our nation’s highways. The FOIA covers the time period from June 29, 2007, when the first iPhone was released, through the present day. The NWRA met with the CPSC last week and made this request.

“We think mobile phones are an intrinsically addictive consumer product that is killing our people,” stated NWRA President and CEO Darrell Smith. “As we prepare to petition the CPSC to evaluate mobile phones and implement necessary rulemakings to make roadways safer, we are seeking all interactions between the CPSC and Big Tech. We’re also requesting the CPSC to provide any interagency correspondence on the topic between them and other government agencies.”

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